I've noted that we are all very self-involved and arrogant, believing what we are each doing or saying is important and that others should take notice and perhaps contemplate the meaning that is being conveyed and incorporate the new ideas into their own thought processes.
I've also vaguely tackled the concept that we all know is true, that the vast, vast majority is basically worthless information and is a distraction if you are trying to form clear and coherent thoughts, either for yourself or to communicate to others.
I just want to state that I comprehend that I appear arrogant and self-involved, and probably hypocritical. I believe that my value is in my own unique perspective, in that some things appear obvious to me while few others even mention the proverbial "elephant-in-the-room." So I am going to state the view from here even as I contemplate that both what I write and my perspective may be meaningless.
I believe this lack of perspective, the inability to even see other perspectives, causes great confusion and misunderstanding among society, and that even this 'inability to even see other perspectives' is one of the 'elephants-in-the-room' that are, intentionally or not, ignored or not allowed to be part of the debate.
So, to just get started down this line of reasoning I'm going to reference a current online article:

That headline grabbed my attention, it highlights a 'fragmented reality'. We have a 'war on terror' which is as silly as a 'war on sadness' -- but actually using planning, and strategy and leadership are apparently not going to be tools to battle this disaster, we are going to let a foreign, for-profit corporation with their own private motivations and goals decide what should be done at each step. Americans will allow foreigners to destroy their lands as long as there motivations are greed and they use guile, but Americans will not stand for actions motivated by anger against this nation for its past actions.
Hmm, I guess I've devolved into sarcasm and should move along... Maybe what I'm driving at is America's and American's words and actions are disproportionate to what they say their actions are, and, as with individuals, actions speak louder than words. America spends great time, money and resources to wage this 'war on terror' but spend comparatively little to protect or enhance their own country or environment. I don't know, kinda' like a filthy guy sitting in a filthy pig-pen exerting all his efforts at shooting a bazooka at somebody a mile away who is dropping a candy wrapper on the ground... Put down the bazooka for a minute and take a shower, dude!
UPDATE, 2:40--just ran across this excellent article that expresses my views of the US governent's responsibility to the citizens.
Robert Reich: Why Obama Should Put BP Under Temporary Receivership
"The president should temporarily take over BP's Gulf operations. We have a national emergency on our hands. No president would sit by and watch a privately owned nuclear reactor melt down and the gulf spill is the environmental equivalent."
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