Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The REAL Reason Why the U.S. and Europe Are Back at the Brink

I just read:
Recovery Lost: Why the U.S. and Europe Are Back at the Brink

Normally I would agree with the young author. But nowadays I see that he has been brainwashed by the neo-cons and the BS about "an ownership" society. Owning a house isn't the American dream. Running your own business, contributing to your community, is.

"...and a culture of risk and entrepreneurship."

That is not true. Americans have been trained to be good little zombies. The children file through metal detectors and into school. The populace are trained to "get a good job" where they work day and night to make a profit for the oligarchy, for their wealthy masters.

"This has wiped out the most important source of net worth to most middle income families." And that's part of the problem, part of the brainwashing. Buy another shiny bauble, you brain dead consumers, because Lennar and DH Horton and Toll Brothers need more profits. And you can pay with your wages from Raytheon, or Wal-Mart, or whichever corporation pays you subsistence wages.

Yes,shop at and work your days away at Wal-Mart and help the wealthy oligarchs, the Walton family, destroy your brave neighbors who attempted to run a clothing store, or a hardware store. Work to destroy any local business that reinvested in your own community. Make sure they know that individual entrepreneurship will be punished.

In other words, the demise of the American economy is because of the demise of American individualism, the demise of American entrepreneurship. The demise of the American economy is because of the demise of individualism and of community--now Americans are trained, and have accepted, that their sole purpose is to work to make a profit for the multinational corporation. Buy a car, a house, an iPod, and do not expect any equity in the actual business you spend all day building.

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