Monday, November 7, 2011

Successful Activist Amplifies My Cause

Though I have been jotting down my thoughts about worker ownership here in obscurity, another writer with a far greater reach has touched on some of my them. "Capitalism fading in the evolutionary revolution" is a very good article by Gar Alperovitz, a professor and published author. I sugest anybody who is now reading this to go check it out.

The short snippets that I support are:
Over the last three decades, for instance, more workers have become owners of their own companies than are members of unions in the private sector; indeed, 5 million more.

14 states are considering the creation of state banks following the long-established North Dakota model, a trend that is also likely to grow.

Given the title of the piece I would have hoped that Mr. Alperovitz would have explained the evolutionary aspects of this shift in ownership. That he doesn't leaves me with some hope that I may yet have a role to play.

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